Out of a desire to work more closely together, all national organizations have decided to found the GoodVision umbrella organization at an international level.
Connected worldwide under GoodVision
The members are the country organizations, i.e. the donor countries with the founding association EinDollarBrille in Germany as well as the individual sister organizations and the programme countries. We are directly active in these countries or, if this makes more sense, represented by partners. In future, joint strategies are to be developed, global standards drawn up and services shared within this network. This will give the program countries more co-determination as equal partners.
A common goal in mind
Our common goal: good eyesight for all people. We want to establish permanent basic eye care for people worldwide.
We are convinced that successful development cooperation only works through the consistent promotion of local expertise. We help people to help themselves. With the idea of 'good practice', we share experiences, learn from each other and continue to develop. Our program countries benefit from the fact that existing knowledge is better shared and used.
Country Workshop
Once a year, all country managers come together in Erlangen for the Country Workshop. Colleagues bring questions and ideas from their programmes and spend five days working towards a common goal: to further develop GoodVision International and optimize the work in the programme countries.
Digital collaboration inspires
For better coordination, there are main contacts for each continent as interfaces to the central specialist departments as well as for networking and expansion into other countries. The shared services include the development of a uniform IT system, a corporate design and templates, joint financial planning and controlling processes. These can be offered and requested in all program countries worldwide.
This is particularly important for quality assurance and the associated careful development of digital systems for recording patient data.
We are excited about how our employees around the world are working together as a completely digital organization.
GoodVision International