Donation shop

Donation shop

Health center with two blue pavilions in front of it

One eye camp day

At an eye camp, 2–6 employees travel to a village to carry out eye tests and fit the required glasses immediately. This incurs costs of around EUR 315 per day for staff, travel to and from the camp and work materials.
In the Indian countryside: Woman hands flyers to cattle herder

Awareness campaigns

Not everyone is aware that poor vision can be easily remedied. Before our eye camps, we use local radio advertising and flyers to draw attention to the importance of good vision. This increases the success of our eye camps enormously.
traditionally dressed woman from India with large sunglasses

Cataract surgery

The operation in our partner clinic in Bhubaneshwar, India, the care and transportation cost EUR 100 per patient. Your donation finances the operation for a person suffering from cataracts – and saves them from going blind.  
Black mom with child with albinism

20 Sunglasses

Your donation will help us to cover the material costs for 20 pairs of sunglasses – and create local jobs in the process! Sunglasses protect sensitive eyes from excessive sunlight and make a significant contribution to maintaining good eye health.  
Woman covers her eye with her hand

Training as an eyecare professional

In our program countries, we would like to train more eye care professionals to reach even more people through eye camps in remote regions. Your donation finances the one-year training of a qualified professional – and changes at least one life!
African boy with OneDollarGlasses

50 OneDollarGlasses

With your donation you help us to cover the material costs for 50 OneDollarGlasses – and create local jobs at the same time!
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