Through free eye tests, educational work in schools and village communities and the development of relationships with health institutions and NGOs, EinDollarBrille association is creating a growing awareness of the importance of good eyesight and the impact of glasses.
Raising awareness requires trust
Raising awareness locally in the program countries is an immensely important part of our work
- We inform people about healthy vision and the effects of glasses
- We explain how their complaints in this area can be solved with glasses or ophthalmological treatment
- In personal discussions, we gently try to dispel myths about poor vision and eye diseases
- In schools, we play an important role in health education for pupils, teachers and parents, thus helping to raise awareness of good vision among the next generation.
Because only those who are well informed about the effectiveness of glasses and know how important they are will will head for an eye test.
Always on a par
With our broad-based awareness campaigns, we help to raise people's health awareness, for example in the villages of India. We meet people at eye level and support them in maintaining and improving their livelihoods through good vision.
We achieve this by training women and men from the respective region to become optometry specialists. They speak the language of their patients and are part of the local community. In personal discussions with people, they impart knowledge about healthy vision.
By raising awareness in this way, we ensure that more people come to our eye camps.
Reaching the goal with creativity
A few days before an eye camp, we inform people about the importance of good vision and invite them to a free eye test. Our teams use a wide variety of methods to reach as many people as possible:
Multipliers are also important, such as village leaders, clergymen or mayors who support our work by inviting people to our eye camps.
Good eyesight right from the start
With our school programs, we want to reach not only pupils, but also teachers and the children's families. Parents are informed about our work and the importance of good vision and can ask any questions they may have. Possible doubts about the sense of glasses are dispelled and misinformation and prejudices are prevented. Parents who are informed in this way also help to ensure that their children regularly wear the glasses they receive from us.