Indigenous woman in Kenya
Indigenous woman in Kenya
Indigenous woman in Kenya


We have been active in Kenya since 2014 and are delighted to have a stronger presence in the country again with new partners.


Glasses issued


vision tests carried out


On-site employees


Program start

In 2023, Kenya is struggling with a severe drought in the north and east of the country, which poses enormous challenges for people as a result of climate change. Refugee movements to large cities such as Nairobi are increasing the pressure in the slums, where the GoodVision (Kenya) team is regularly active.

Nairobi slum
© EinDollarBrille | Nairobi slum

Strong partners on site

In Kenya, GoodVision focuses on holistic care for people in order to supplement Kenya's optical and ophthalmological system wherever possible. Together with our local partners, we can also offer medical assistance if we identify a need for it at an eye camp. In addition to the German Doctors, our cooperation partners also include Lufthansa Cargo Human Care, for example.

Building in Kenya with people in front of it
© EinDollarBrille | German Doctors clinic in Nairobi

The expansion of the team in Kenya can only take place step by step because the employees have to complete at least three months of training at the Sabatia Eye Clinic in western Kenya before they are allowed to carry out eye tests and fit glasses. And even after that, professional supervision of the team is mandatory.

Intensive outreach in the slums of Nairobi

In Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, it is particularly clear why the effort is worthwhile: around 2.5 million people live in precarious conditions under corrugated iron roofs in the almost 200 slums and usually have no more than the equivalent of one US dollar a day at their disposal.

An ophthalmologist shines a light into a child's eye
© EinDollarBrille | Eye test by employees of German Doctors

While the German Doctors provide medical care, we take care of optical problems and help the residents with eye tests and glasses.

Eye test: a woman holds one eye and indicates a direction with the other hand.
© EinDollarBrille | Eye test

The German Doctors hold a monthly health consultation at the Ayiera Center in Nairobi. The pre-examined patients are referred to the GoodVision team (Kenya) and receive an eye test and, if required, a pair of GoodVision Glasses.

Children in front of a pile of garbage in Korogocho
© EinDollarBrille | Children in a Nairobi slum

Our team regularly visits the Korogocho slum, which borders a huge garbage dump. This is both a source of livelihood and a threat to life. People meticulously comb through the garbage of the megacity for recyclable, saleable and food items.

In front of the garbage dump in Korogocho
© EinDollarBrille | Two children in the garbage dump in Korogocho

The diseases associated with life there are varied and numerous. Allergies, skin rashes, infections and eye infections are the order of the day, exacerbated by the acrid smoke from the burning garbage that has the slum firmly in its grip.

An ophthalmologist shines a light into a child's eye
© EinDollarBrille | Eye test by employees of German Doctors

While the German Doctors provide medical care, we take care of optical problems and help the residents with eye tests and glasses.

Eye test: a woman holds one eye and indicates a direction with the other hand.
© EinDollarBrille | Eye test

The German Doctors hold a monthly health consultation at the Ayiera Center in Nairobi. The pre-examined patients are referred to the GoodVision team (Kenya) and receive an eye test and, if required, a pair of GoodVision Glasses.

Children in front of a pile of garbage in Korogocho
© EinDollarBrille | Children in a Nairobi slum

Our team regularly visits the Korogocho slum, which borders a huge garbage dump. This is both a source of livelihood and a threat to life. People meticulously comb through the garbage of the megacity for recyclable, saleable and food items.

In front of the garbage dump in Korogocho
© EinDollarBrille | Two children in the garbage dump in Korogocho

The diseases associated with life there are varied and numerous. Allergies, skin rashes, infections and eye infections are the order of the day, exacerbated by the acrid smoke from the burning garbage that has the slum firmly in its grip.

Albert Ombati
© EinDollarBrille | Albert Ombati

Albert Ombati

He has been working at GoodVision (Kenya) since spring 2022 and also assists at the eye camps. Albert has not had much luck in life so far and, at the age of 52, has never had a proper job despite having a degree in marketing. He has kept his head above water with countless odd jobs.  

He has severe astigmatism in both eyes and only has 20 percent visual acuity without glasses. With his GoodVision Glasses (corrected to –2.0 on both sides), he still achieves 80% vision.  

GoodVision (Kenya) has changed Albert's life from the ground up: He is proud to have a secure job for the first time and to receive a regular salary. 

With the GoodVision Glasses, Albert can now see so much better, even the clouds, which he always finds fascinating because they didn't exist for him before. Albert has found a new home at GoodVision (Kenya).

Our team in Kenya

Two GoodVision Kenya employees at their desks
© EinDollarBrille | Marion Muteshi, Eunita Wanjohi

Marion Muteshi and Eunita Wanjohi, Campaign managers

Employees of GoodVision Kenya
© EinDollarBrille | Part of the GoodVision team (Kenya)
Two GoodVision employees in Kenya
© EinDollarBrille | Diana Langat, Leonitha Chepkoech

Diana Langat und Leonitha Chepkoech, ophthalmic staff

GoodVision Kenya employee, at the desk
© EinDollarBrille | Benson Ngure

Benson Ngure, Country Manager

GoodVision Kenya employee, at the desk
© EinDollarBrille | David Ndalana

David Ndalana, Finance Manager

Two GoodVision Kenya employees at their desks
© EinDollarBrille | Marion Muteshi, Eunita Wanjohi

Marion Muteshi and Eunita Wanjohi, Campaign managers

Employees of GoodVision Kenya
© EinDollarBrille | Part of the GoodVision team (Kenya)
Two GoodVision employees in Kenya
© EinDollarBrille | Diana Langat, Leonitha Chepkoech

Diana Langat und Leonitha Chepkoech, ophthalmic staff

GoodVision Kenya employee, at the desk
© EinDollarBrille | Benson Ngure

Benson Ngure, Country Manager

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