People taking the written exam
People taking the written exam
People taking the written exam

Standard of quality

Quality plays a central role at GoodVision. We stand for high-quality optical care and attach great importance to providing the best possible care for refractive errors in the global south.

Quality for everyone

High quality standards for materials and training

Recognition of our activities by local state institutions

CE certification, Medical Device Regulation (MDR)

We offer our patients high-quality glasses. The ophthalmic specialists are trained according to uniform standards. In order to maintain our high quality standards for materials and training, we ensure that these are regularly reviewed.

We work closely with government institutions in our program countries and obtain their approval before taking action.

All our materials are CE-certified.

Robust glasses that fit perfectly

GoodVision Glasses must be easy to manufacture but meet high quality standards. They must be able to withstand extreme stress so that people can use them without worry and for a long time. Click here for the

Endurance test of the GoodVision Glasses

High-quality material, made by hand

We use shatterproof plastic lenses made of PMMA with full UV protection for our GoodVision Glasses. The high-alloy spring steel wire of the frame is non-rusting and kind to the skin.

The lenses are manufactured under fair conditions by a long-standing partner who has developed machines and processes specifically for GoodVision.

The frames are manufactured in our program countries by specially trained and permanently employed producers.


Infographic of GoodVision Glasses
© EinDollarBrille

Standardized training and recertification

The training of our specialists in the fields of optometry and eyewear production is of central importance for high-quality care in the program countries.

Through the standardized transfer of knowledge and the sharing of new developments, we give our employees a sound basis for their work. The "Optic Manual" developed by EinDollarBrille association serves as the basis for ophthalmic training.

We ensure our international quality standards during and after training:

  • a functioning train-the-trainer concept
  • close cooperation at international level to bring all ophthalmic specialists and production managers in the program countries up to date
  • monthly to semi-annual practical checks using checklists
  • detailed evaluation of patient data on a monthly basis
  • annual recertification of the ophthalmic specialists

Reliable safety system

We use various approaches to maintain a high level of optical quality:

  • The theoretical evaluation takes place on a monthly basis: every month, all patient data collected is transmitted anonymously and evaluated using specially developed programs.
  • Concrete practical checks are carried out on site using detailed checklists. The results are incorporated into a performance overview for the ophthalmic specialists, which we can use to initiate targeted follow-up training if necessary.

Sustainable action

In order to promote the development of eye care in the program countries and achieve the greatest possible long-term social impact, we work closely with the respective state healthcare systems. Through the anonymized evaluation of patient data, we can document information on eye diseases, which we share with local health organizations.

Practical eye test
© EinDollarBrille | Practical examination of an eye test

Time and again...

The annual recertification of our GoodVision Technicians (GVTs) is an important part of quality assurance.


Two Care Netram employees at the ceremony
© EinDollarBrille | Celebration after successfully passing the exam in India at Care Netram

The GVTs have to prove in a theoretical and a practical examination that they still have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out professional eye tests and fit spectacles. The examinations often take place in a festive setting at the annual general meeting.

Speech in front of the examinees
© EinDollarBrille | Debasis Mohapatra, Head of Optics at Care Netram, congratulates his trainees on passing their exams

The ophthalmic specialists (GVTs) are only allowed to continue working after passing the exam. Those who do not pass the exam have the opportunity to acquire the missing knowledge before a re-examination. After the exam, the tension is released and the team in India celebrates their success together.

Two Care Netram employees at the ceremony
© EinDollarBrille | Celebration after successfully passing the exam in India at Care Netram

The GVTs have to prove in a theoretical and a practical examination that they still have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out professional eye tests and fit spectacles. The examinations often take place in a festive setting at the annual general meeting.

Speech in front of the examinees
© EinDollarBrille | Debasis Mohapatra, Head of Optics at Care Netram, congratulates his trainees on passing their exams

The ophthalmic specialists (GVTs) are only allowed to continue working after passing the exam. Those who do not pass the exam have the opportunity to acquire the missing knowledge before a re-examination. After the exam, the tension is released and the team in India celebrates their success together.

Two Care Netram employees at the ceremony
© EinDollarBrille | Celebration after successfully passing the exam in India at Care Netram

The GVTs have to prove in a theoretical and a practical examination that they still have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out professional eye tests and fit spectacles. The examinations often take place in a festive setting at the annual general meeting.

Speech in front of the examinees
© EinDollarBrille | Debasis Mohapatra, Head of Optics at Care Netram, congratulates his trainees on passing their exams

The ophthalmic specialists (GVTs) are only allowed to continue working after passing the exam. Those who do not pass the exam have the opportunity to acquire the missing knowledge before a re-examination. After the exam, the tension is released and the team in India celebrates their success together.

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