The best eye clinic in the world: a question of perspective
News Brazil

The best eye clinic in the world: a question of perspective

Which eye clinic is the best? Is it the one with the most modern technology, the most renowned ophthalmologists or the most impressive architecture? The best eye clinic is definitely the one that manages to save thousands of people from going blind, as Brazil's largest mobile eye clinic does for GoodVision...

The best eye clinic in the world is mobile

Favelas in São Paulo
© EinDollarBrille | On the outskirts of São Paulo

In the cities of Brazil, where medical care is often a luxury, a mobile initiative is setting new standards. In a remarkable initiative, Renovatio has set a milestone in mobile ophthalmology with the support of Mercedes and KfW. A specially equipped Mercedes truck, packed with state-of-the-art diagnostic technology and donated by “A Heart for Children”, has been on the road in Brazil's cities since 2022 to provide good vision to people in places where there is no ophthalmological care. This is precisely the case in around 70 percent of Brazilian cities.

White blue truck with trailer
© EinDollarBrille | The mobile eye clinic on the road in Brazil

The truck is not just a means of transportation, but also a complete diagnostic unit for eye diseases. In April 2023, it was used at a major eye congress in São Paulo and continued its journey in May to Maringá, around 650 kilometers to the west in the state of Paraná. There, Renovatio and the truck acted as an extension of the state healthcare system. People were supported, some of whom had been waiting four to six years for an examination. Many of them lose their sight every day - an irretrievable loss. Patients who require eye surgery are immediately referred to the nearest clinic. 

Girls stand at the entrance to a blue mobile eye clinic
© EinDollarBrille | Two girls wait for their eye examination in São Paulo

The use of the truck as a rolling clinic for ophthalmology marks a milestone in the work of GoodVision. Not only does it offer the opportunity to provide a large number of patients with holistic eye examinations in a very short space of time, it can also be deployed flexibly in Brazil's major cities. The media response in Brazil has been enormous. The Mercedes truck from Renovatio is always in the spotlight.

It is an impressive example of how innovative approaches and strong partnerships can sustainably improve the lives of many people.

Blue truck parked on a road
© EinDollarBrille | Preparing the truck for its next assignment
Two men walk in front of a blue truck
© EinDollarBrille | Martin Aufmuth and program manager Ralf Toenjes in conversation
People walk up a ramp to a truck
© EinDollarBrille | On the way to an eye examination in the Mercedes truck
Medical devices in a white room
© EinDollarBrille | Medical equipment in the eye clinic
People standing in front of a blue truck
© EinDollarBrille | At the inauguration of the mobile eye clinic in fall 2021
Blue truck parked on a road
© EinDollarBrille | Preparing the truck for its next assignment
Two men walk in front of a blue truck
© EinDollarBrille | Martin Aufmuth and program manager Ralf Toenjes in conversation
People walk up a ramp to a truck
© EinDollarBrille | On the way to an eye examination in the Mercedes truck
Medical devices in a white room
© EinDollarBrille | Medical equipment in the eye clinic

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