Following the tracks of cataracts
News India

Following the tracks of cataracts

Our eye camps in India are often attended by patients who are almost or completely blind and who cannot be helped even with glasses. These people often suffer from cataracts, a disease in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. It mainly occurs in the second half of life.

In 2020, more than 17 million people worldwide were blind in both eyes due to cataracts, accounting for 40 percent of all cases of blindness worldwide.

Two Indian women with sunglasses
© EinDollarBrille | After the cataract surgery

Logistical masterpiece against cataracts

In cases of blindness, vision can be restored through surgery and the implantation of an artificial lens. In western industrialized countries, this is a routine procedure that is usually performed before the onset of blindness. In developing countries, the operation often remains unaffordable for those affected.  

The team at Care Netram, the program partner of GoodVision in India, ensures that patients are operated on in partner clinics. This is a logistical feat that involves organizing minibuses for the outward and return journeys, arranging appointments with the clinic and making many arrangements with the patients.

New sight for Chanchali Mudali

We accompany Chanchali from the first examination through to aftercare.

Cataract patient from India with eye bandage
© EinDollarBrille | Chanchali after cataract surgery with bandage

Fortunately, she heard about the awareness campaign by Care Netram, the partner of GoodVision in India. Her family insisted that she visit the eye camp to get a free eye exam. The Care Netram team educated her about cataracts and offered her a free operation to save her from going blind.

Patient from India, after cataract surgery, with sunglasses, sorted cereals
© EinDollarBrille | Chanchali sorts grain in front of her house

After the operation, Chanchali Mudali can see clearly again and no longer has to worry about going blind from cataracts. As her eyes are still very sensitive after the operation, Chanchali wears sunglasses. The Care Netram team is very proud to have been able to help Chanchali.

Care Netram employee shines lamp in patient's eye
© EinDollarBrille | A Care Netram employee with Chanchali

Chanchali Mudali leads a simple and happy life with her family. The 55-year-old takes care of the household and family. But she did not know that a cataract had formed in her eyes, which would gradually make her blind. At first, she only felt visual disturbances and eye irritation.

Cataract patient from India with eye bandage
© EinDollarBrille | Chanchali after cataract surgery with bandage

Fortunately, she heard about the awareness campaign by Care Netram, the partner of GoodVision in India. Her family insisted that she visit the eye camp to get a free eye exam. The Care Netram team educated her about cataracts and offered her a free operation to save her from going blind.

Patient from India, after cataract surgery, with sunglasses, sorted cereals
© EinDollarBrille | Chanchali sorts grain in front of her house

After the operation, Chanchali Mudali can see clearly again and no longer has to worry about going blind from cataracts. As her eyes are still very sensitive after the operation, Chanchali wears sunglasses. The Care Netram team is very proud to have been able to help Chanchali.

Care Netram employee shines lamp in patient's eye
© EinDollarBrille | A Care Netram employee with Chanchali

Chanchali Mudali leads a simple and happy life with her family. The 55-year-old takes care of the household and family. But she did not know that a cataract had formed in her eyes, which would gradually make her blind. At first, she only felt visual disturbances and eye irritation.

Cataract patient from India with eye bandage
© EinDollarBrille | Chanchali after cataract surgery with bandage

Fortunately, she heard about the awareness campaign by Care Netram, the partner of GoodVision in India. Her family insisted that she visit the eye camp to get a free eye exam. The Care Netram team educated her about cataracts and offered her a free operation to save her from going blind.

Finally learning without cataracts

Pankajini Pradhan is happy about her cataract operation

Young woman from India, smiling
© EinDollarBrille | Pankajini Pradhan after her cataract surgery

18-year-old Pankajini Pradhan had been suffering from increasing vision problems for four years. Reading in poor lighting conditions in particular caused her great difficulty. When her eyesight continued to deteriorate, she went to an eye clinic.

Young cataract patient from India, with bicycle
© EinDollarBrille | Pankajini Pradhan after her cataract operation

An initial operation restored her sight in one eye. Two years later, Pankajini took part in a Care Netram eye camp and was given the opportunity to have her second eye operated on as well. The student is happy to be able to see properly again.

Young woman from India, smiling
© EinDollarBrille | Pankajini Pradhan after her cataract surgery

18-year-old Pankajini Pradhan had been suffering from increasing vision problems for four years. Reading in poor lighting conditions in particular caused her great difficulty. When her eyesight continued to deteriorate, she went to an eye clinic.

Young cataract patient from India, with bicycle
© EinDollarBrille | Pankajini Pradhan after her cataract operation

An initial operation restored her sight in one eye. Two years later, Pankajini took part in a Care Netram eye camp and was given the opportunity to have her second eye operated on as well. The student is happy to be able to see properly again.

Young woman from India, smiling
© EinDollarBrille | Pankajini Pradhan after her cataract surgery

18-year-old Pankajini Pradhan had been suffering from increasing vision problems for four years. Reading in poor lighting conditions in particular caused her great difficulty. When her eyesight continued to deteriorate, she went to an eye clinic.

Young cataract patient from India, with bicycle
© EinDollarBrille | Pankajini Pradhan after her cataract operation

An initial operation restored her sight in one eye. Two years later, Pankajini took part in a Care Netram eye camp and was given the opportunity to have her second eye operated on as well. The student is happy to be able to see properly again.

You saved me from going blind. Thank you to the Care Netram team!
Chanchali Mudali, Housewife, Indien

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